Monday, December 26, 2011

New Patient Gifts

New Year = New You -- Whiter Teeth on that resolution list? 

$50 Courtesty Towards a New Patient Exam & Cleaning or a FREE Crest Whitening Bleaching Kit (@ completion of a New Patient Exam & Cleaning) 

Also, a FREE Spinbrush for all New Children Patients
One important tip from the ADA regarding teeth cleaning is to floss first before brushing because there is more of a chance for the fluoride from the toothpaste to get between the teeth.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Basketball and baseball are the two biggest mouth-injuring sports and the most common injuries we see are broken, displaced or knocked out teeth, and broken jaws. 

Mouth guards and helmets with face protectors are the best way for kids to avoid dental injuries while playing sports. Your dentist can make custom mouth guards that will be small enough to make it easy to communicate with teammates

So what should you do if despite your best preventive efforts your child still hurts his or her teeth or jaw?

If a tooth is broken or cracked, see a dentist within 24 hours. If a tooth or teeth have been displaced or knocked out contact your dentist immediately to try to preserve the tooth because you have about a 30 minute window for the best chance of long-term survival.

Avoid touching the root because it can be damaged easily. If the tooth is dirty, hold it by the upper part and rinse it off with milk until most of the dirt is washed away. If you don't have milk, don't clean it. Wiping it off may cause more damage.

If your child is old enough not to swallow it, try to gently put the tooth back in its socket for the best chance of preservation. If you can't get it back in the socket, put it in a cup of milk and head for the dentist or emergency room.

We tell people to put the tooth in milk because the cells around the root are still alive after it is knocked out and milk can provide nutrients to the cells to help keep them alive. Do not put the tooth in water. It can cause the cells to burst and makes saving the tooth much less likely.

Jaw injuries may be much less obvious than a broken or knocked-out tooth but they are no less serious. If a child falls hard enough to cut their chin, or takes an especially hard hit, it could easily cause breaks in the jaw. In an injury such as this, a child should be seen by a doctor within 24 hours.

No matter the injury, caring properly for the mouth afterward is key to successful healing.

Following an injury a child's mouth will be sore and they will want to do everything they can to make it not hurt. But, continuing to brush their teeth and practice good oral hygiene is extremely important. It is the same as keeping any other wound clean, the cleaner the mouth is kept, the better it heals.

Friday, December 2, 2011


2 for 1 Teeth Bleaching with Custom Trays.  

Enter the new year with a Brighter Smile!  Offer Expires 12/31/11.


Our entire Dental Team would like to wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! We are certainly thankful for each and every one of you this holiday season, so be sure to stay safe if you're traveling

Stuffing, rolls, pies, cakes…the holidays are a time full of carbohydrate-rich, sugary foods. This can really do a number on your oral health, but there are some simple ways you can help combat cavities while still enjoying the holidays. 

If you can, eat those carb-heavy foods with a balanced meal consisting of some protein. This helps to counteract some of the acids produced when sugars and bacteria in the mouth come together. Also, limit your consumption of sticky foods and if you can't brush, rinse your mouth out with water to remove as much debris and acid as possible.

By following these simple holiday dental care tips, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy while still enjoying your Thanksgiving goodies. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Don't Let Your Dental Insurance Run Out

Fall is a good cue to make a dental appointment because your dental insurance has seasons too. 90% of plans are based on the calendar year. If you don't use the benefits your are entitled to, they are gone on 12/31 and are not carried forward into the next year. 

If you have dental issues that are detected during your check-up you'll want to get those resolved BEFORE your 2011 dental insurance expires.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Braces Wearers Beware at Halloween Time

Braces-­‐Wearers Beware: Certain Sweet Treats Can Bite Back
The American Association of Orthodontists will provide recipes and tips to help avoid unwanted office visits during the Halloween season

Halloween is a time when the vampire fangs come out in full force. However, for orthodontic patients – certain sweet treats can bite back. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) has teamed up with Pam Waterman, author of The Braces Cookbook, to bring orthodontic-­‐ friendly recipes and treats to trick-­‐or-­‐treaters and their parents. It’s no trick -­‐ these recipes are fun to make, fun to eat, and they won’t put a dent in the smiles of the nearly five million orthodontic patients currently in North America who wear braces, clear aligners or other orthodontic appliances to help them achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Halloween tends to be one of the busiest times of the year at orthodontists’ offices, primarily because patients indulge in treats that they should not be eating. Candies and other treats that are hard, chewy, sticky or crunchy can cause damage to braces, clear aligners and other orthodontic appliances. In addition to patient discomfort, a broken bracket or loose wire may prolong treatment and require additional orthodontic appointments. As part of October’s National Orthodontic Health Month, the AAO is providing orthodontic-­‐friendly Halloween recipes and tips to help patients and their families enjoy the holiday.

“Halloween should be a fun time for all kids – including those in orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. Lee W. Graber, orthodontist and president of the American Association of Orthodontists. “We’re pleased to team up with Pam Waterman, author of the Braces Cookbooks, and offer tips and recipes that will help keep braces intact and patients satisfied this Halloween season.”

Featured Halloween recipes include Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Softies and Black Cherry Fruit Bats -­‐ a complete list of orthodontic-­‐friendly recipes are at the AAO’s Web site,

“The recipes we’ve developed are delicious and allow orthodontic patients, like my son, to enjoy the holiday without causing harm to their braces,” says author Pam Waterman. “Plus, they are fun to make together.”

What kinds of Halloween treats are “orthodontic-­‐friendly”?
The good news is that there are plenty of food options for orthodontic patients – and with a little creativity, orthodontic patients can still enjoy Halloween treats. In general, orthodontic patients should look for softer treats, such as soft chocolate or peanut butter cups, or melt-­‐in-­‐your-­‐mouth foods. Those with braces or retainers should avoid any foods that are sticky, chewy, hard or crunchy. The AAO recommends patients avoid the following Halloween treats, or recipes with these ingredients:
  • Caramel, Nuts, Popcorn, Taffy, Jelly beans, Hard pretzels, Licorice, Bubblegum, Taco chips and Ice

Is it okay for orthodontic patients to eat sweets?
A few sweets can be okay occasionally, if the patient remembers to brush and floss afterwards. Orthodontic patients need to pay special attention to keeping braces or other orthodontic appliances clean, as well as teeth and gums. Orthodontists can advise patients on how best to brush and floss between teeth, around brackets and at the gum line. Dr. Graber reminds patients that if they follow their orthodontist’s recommendations, practice good oral hygiene, and are careful about the foods they eat, they should be able to finish treatment on time and with good results.

What should orthodontic patients do if food damages their braces?
If a patient chews on the wrong type of treat and damage occurs, they should call their orthodontist so that arrangements can be made to correct the problem. Typically, small problems can be solved over the phone. Loose brackets or wires can usually be made more comfortable by applying some orthodontic wax until the patient can come into the office.

Who is an orthodontist?
When it comes to getting a healthy straight smile, education is key. Orthodontists receive an additional two-­‐to-­‐three years of specialized education beyond dental school to learn the proper way to align and straighten teeth. As experts in creating healthy, beautiful smiles, orthodontists have the education, experience and expertise to recommend the best treatment option.

For orthodontic-­‐friendly recipes and tips, visit Additional tips and information can be found on the AAO’s Facebook, Twitter (@Braces) and YouTube pages. To locate an orthodontist, click on “Find an Orthodontist” at or ask your dentist for a referral. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Halloween Teeth Care Tips That Scare Away Cavities

It’s never to early to start caring for your little one’s teeth. Especially during this Halloween season when treats and sweets rule. Toddlers, older children and even new eaters given baby-safe Halloween treats are at risk of developing cavities if you don’t make sure to provide proper dental care.
With this in mind the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) has some helpful tips for parents that allow your child to enjoy Halloween while keeping their teeth healthy…
baby cavities,  baby cavity,  baby teeth,  baby teeth care,  care for baby teeth,  healthy baby teeth,  natural teeth care,  shiny teeth
  • Mix in healthy snacks along with Halloween candy:balanced diet is one that includes cheese, fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meat, milk and yogurt. Healthy snacks not only build strong kids, but actually help keep teeth healthy.
  • Be the tooth-healthy house on the block: Pass out alternative treats to ghouls and goblins such as cracker snack-packs, trail mix packs, rice crispy treats, etc.
  • Avoid chewy treats that tend to stick to teeth and cause more damage.
  • Monitor candy consumption: Only allow Halloween treats in moderation.
  • Take the fear out of flossing: Teach children flossing techniques for improved oral health at Halloween.
  • Make tooth brushing fun: Seasonal tooth brushes featuring Halloween themes get children excited about taking care of their tiny teeth. Remember, even newborn babies aren’t too young for tooth and gum care.
  • Don’t be afraid of the dentist: With all of the sweet treats consumed around Halloween, now is a great time for parents to schedule a pediatric dental appointment for their children. Babies as young as one year need a dentist. In fact the newest NIH recommendations note that you should schedule a dentist appointment for your baby by his first birthday.
Also remember, baby bottles full of apple juice or even milk can cause tooth damage too.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS) Capital Conference 9/8/11-9/10/11

ISDS Capital Conference 2011 in St. Louis - McHenry County Delegates 

Annual Session gives members the opportunity to update their scientific knowledge, participate in the decision making process of the House of Delegates, exchange ideas and join colleagues in business and social aspects of the society.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Strawberries are great for your gums!

They're bursting with vitamin C, which builds collagen, an important component of healthy gum tissue. In fact, people who consume less than 60 mg of C each day (@ 6 large strawberries) are 150% more likely to develop gingivitis. But stay away from fizzy vitamin supplement drinks; they have been shown to erode tooth enamel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are cavities really contagious?

Yes!  According to two studies people can pass along S. mutans, the bacteria that causes cavities.  In one, the germs were transmitted between spouses who kissed; in the other, between a baby and a mother who shared food, drinks and utensils.  To stay cavity free, brush twice a day, floss nightly and visit your dentist every six months.

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Green Tea

Hot or iced, this brew is brimming with antioxidants that kill the bacteria that lead to gingivitis.  Bonus:  The beverage also wipes out the germs that cause bad breath.  

Don't forget that Saturday, August 6, 5 to 9 p.m. Downtown Crystal Lake will be having a Block Party (National Night Out).  It's an evening of music, fun, food and entertainment.  Planned activities include:  Karaoke, Baggo Tournament, Police/Fire Rescue vehicles and equipment on display, children's games and live music.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Toothbrush Tips

Toothbrush Tips
  • Keep it rinsed. Wash off your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water every time you use it.
  • Wash your hands before brushing your teeth.  
  • Don't store it near the toilet.  Every toilet flush sends a spray of bacteria into the air and you don't want the toilet spray anywhere near your open toothbrush.  
  • Keep it dry. Bacteria love a moist environment. Make sure your brush has a chance to dry thoroughly between brushings. Avoid using toothbrush covers, which can create a moist enclosed breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Keep it upright. Store your toothbrush upright in a holder, rather than lying it down.
  • Keep it to yourself. No matter how close you are to your sister, brother, spouse, or roommate, don't ever use their toothbrush. Don't even store your toothbrush side-by-side in the same cup with other people's brushes. Whenever toothbrushes touch, they can swap germs.
  • Replace your toothbrush at least every three months.  Or when bristles begins to show wear or after an illness such as a cold or flu

State Requires Exams for Children

Illinois requires dental exams for all children entering Kindergarten, second and sixth grades.  School starts in a month, so schedule your exams today.

Downtown Crystal Lake Sidewalk Sales are held 7/21, 7/22 & 7/23 (Th-Sat).  A bargain hunter's delight!  Downtown merchants offer items at discounted prices.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mouthguards and Back to School Check-ups

It's Summer Time! Remember Mouthguards to protect your teeth from sports injury. Have your children outgrown theirs and what shape are they in? Now is also the time to schedule Back to School check-ups. 

Remember the Farmer's Market is open on Saturday's from 8 to 1 p.m. in Downtown Crystal Lake from June-October.

Photo taken at Dollywood in the Great Smoky Mountains.  

We wish you a safe and happy summer!  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dry Mouth

It's allergy season and many of my patients take antihistamines, which can cause dry mouth (also a common side effect of antidepressants). I recommend chewing sugarless gum to help stimulate saliva, which makes plaque less sticky and easier to clean off.

Also, as you age, your salivary glands shrink and produce less saliva, which is a natural antimicrobial that helps prevent decay. Gum chewing restimulates that flow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Downtown Crystal Lake Garden Party on Saturday 5/21

Mark your calendars for the Downtown Crystal Lake Garden Party on Saturday 5/21 from 10 to 4 p.m. Enjoy music, purchase flowers, plants, baskets and art. Free to Public. For more information visit

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Too Much Fluoride?

Is your child getting too much Fluoride? 1/3 of grade schoolers and 40% of teens have fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth that's caused by too much fluoride. It's not dangerous but can cause white streaks. The EPA recently lowered their recommended fluoride levels in drinking water to .7 milligrams or less per liter. Go to to find out how much fluoride is in your drinking water.

  • Well Water can be too high in fluoride, so if you rely on it, serve kids bottled water instead.
  • If your child already has noticeable fluorosis, your dentist can prescribe a remineralizing paste to help lessen white spots.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS) Capital Conference

 Visited with local legislators to discuss issues being debated in committee or on the floor of the House or Senate.

 McHenry County Representatives at the State Conference in Springfield, IL

llinois State Dental Society supports initiatives that expand access to care and increase dental health education and awareness.

For further details about current legislation and bills being introduced by the Illinois State Dental Society, please visit

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby Teeth

Baby teeth are usually lost in the order they arrive; the bottom two incisors first, followed by the top two.  Your child will probably begin losing his or her baby teeth around age 5 or 6, though it can happen as young as 4 yrs old.

Essentially, the root will dissolve as the adults tooth pushes out.  If baby teeth are accidentally swallowed it is totally harmless.

Never force or yank a loose tooth out.  The tooth can break off leaving the root behind, which can cause infection.

It's OK to wiggle a loose tooth.  If it's hanging on by a thread, you can grab it with a tissue and gently rotate to remove it.

The adult teeth appears so big because they're full size and your child's head is not.

Baby teeth are white than adult teeth.  The color difference will be less noticeable as more adult teeth arrive

About the time your child's baby teeth are falling out their 6 yr molars are erupting.  gums may appears swollen and kids may complain.

Lunch with Bunny

Saturday, 4/23,@ 11 am Children can enjoy lunch with the Easter Bunny at Old Towne Hall in Downtown Crystal Lake.  Food, music, games, photos, gifts and a whole bunch of fun!  For details visit  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Clean-up

It's spring and time for replacing the old with the new. This includes your fillings. Ask your dentist to check the state of your fillings. Every filling eventually has to be replaced. Silver (amalgam) lasts 10-20 yrs, so your childhood fillings may be overdue for replacement. Fresh fillings can help prevent tooth decay and loss - and down the road root canals and implants.
White fillings (Composite), when done right, last as long as amalgam fillings.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spear Continuing Education Courses

Just returned from some continuing education courses at the Spear Education Center for Dentistry, in Scottsdale, AZ. This is the premier dental continuing education facility with state-of-the-art technology and an atmosphere that exudes higher learning. I'm looking forward to using the knowledge I gained in my

Monday, March 14, 2011

Have a Glass of Water with that Wine

Order a glass of water with that wine. White wine has acids that penetrate the enamel, allowing staining and decaying food particles to penetrate more easily. Red, by contrast, creates only superficial staining. A subtle swishing and swallowing of water right away can help minimize residue, staining and tooth decay.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bad Breath Prevention

Best Gum - Cinnamon. The natural oil in it can reduce bacteria in your saliva by 50%. 

Best Supplement - Fish Oil. Reduces inflammation & Bacteria in the Mouth. 

Worst Diet - Low Carbs. This diet increase the Ketones in the Breath due to the low sugar in the diet.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Renewed Dental Benefits & Prescription Drugs and Teens

Most dental plans have renewed funding at the start of the year, allowing you to complete that much needed or wanted dental work. Call us to see how we can help @ 815-459-8650.

Painkillers like OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin are now the most commonly abused pills among young teens. These opioids are sometimes prescribed by dentists and oral surgeons after molar extractions. If your child is prescribed these pills, for any reason, you should be watching what they take and counting the pills often.

High School Seniors admitted to abusing these five commonly prescribed drugs that can be found in a medicine cabinet at someone's home: Vicodin (9.7%), OxyContin (4.9%), Xanax (3.6%), Valium (1.9%) and Klonopin (1.5%).

Monday, February 14, 2011


Everyone at our office wishes you and your loved ones a wonderful Valentine's Day!

I'm always asked about Whitening toothpastes and if they work.  Whitening toothpastes don't stay on the teeth long enough to work.  A product should sit for at least 20 minutes to provide a noticeable result.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Talk with your children about good oral health to prevent cavities, gum disease and the spread of infections.  Promote healthy snacks and beverages and visiting the dentist for a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year.  Remind them to brush at least two times a day and floss daily.

Did you know that even diet drinks promote cavities because they are highly acidic?  Milk and water remain the best choices for beverages.

If your child has mouth pain, examine the mouth with a flash light.  If a tooth appears to have a large cavity or swelling in the gums, next to the tooth, it is best to have child take pain medications, rinse mouth out several times with warm salt water and see a dentist immediately.  They may need to get antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection.  Please don't apply any heat, as it may spread the infection.  Also do not apply aspirin directly over the tooth or gums, as this can cause the tissues to burn.

There is emerging evidence that inhalers used by asthmatic children may lead to a dry mouth which promotes dental decay.  An asthmatic child should keep sipping on water throughout the day and avoid surgery and/or acidic beverages.  

Encourage children to wear mouth guards for all contact sports.  They only have one set of permanent teeth!  

If a child looses a permanent tooth due to injury:

  1. Rinse tooth gently under water if it has become soiled - do not scrub or touch the root surface
  2. Place tooth back in tooth socket in mouth, if possible (depends on age of child - do not want them to swallow it).  Otherwise, place tooth in a cup/jar of mils or salt water.
  3. Get to a dental office immediately.  
A dental sealant is an effective cavity preventive for kids, but some types of sealant may release bisphenol A (BPA), which is a known carcinogen, for a short time after it's applied.  If you child gets treatment, ask your dentist if their sealant material contains this substance and if it does, make sure your child rinses for 30 seconds afterward.  

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Have you signed up for the I SHOP CRYSTAL LAKE Rewards Program? Visit and click "rewards". You can view exclusive offers from participating Crystal Lake retailers, restaurants and service providers. Present your reward card at participating retailers to take advantage of your special offers.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Congratulations to Dr. Richard Osmanski who was elected Treasurer-Secretary of the McHenry County Dental Society for 2011-2012!   

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Whether you are an existing patient or searching for a dentist in the Crystal Lake, IL area, we're exited you are here! With the dental industry advancing, we recognize the importance of keeping our patients and visitors up to date with all of the things taking place in our practice.

As we move forward with our blog, we hope to promote dental awareness as a vital part of your healthy lifestyle. Here you will find a variety of articles and topics on practical dental health advice and updates from Dr. Osmanski.

We hope you find our blog to be helpful and informational to ensure your best dental health. Feel free to contact us with any dental questions or concerns.

Please visit our newly redesigned website at for useful Dental Information. This website will also connect you with our new blog and facebook page.

When you have dental problems, you need to turn to a dentist who listens and responds. An experienced doctor who knows the field and can diagnose and treat your needs. A friendly dentist who counsels you on the best ways to maintain and improve your health. We meet all these criteria. Plus, you benefit from a dedicated team of trained professionals who give you the individualized attention you deserve.

Office Specials & Events:

Stop by our office to obtain an Illinois State Dental Society Coloring Contest Sheet. 40 awards will be given in each grade category (K-3). No purchase is necessary in order to be eligible to participate and/or win. Entry forms must be received by mail by 2/28/11.

To all our wonderful established patients: Refer a new patient outside of your immediate household and receive a $50 credit! The person you refer also receives a $50 credit to be used toward their fist visit. It's a win-win!!