Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby Teeth

Baby teeth are usually lost in the order they arrive; the bottom two incisors first, followed by the top two.  Your child will probably begin losing his or her baby teeth around age 5 or 6, though it can happen as young as 4 yrs old.

Essentially, the root will dissolve as the adults tooth pushes out.  If baby teeth are accidentally swallowed it is totally harmless.

Never force or yank a loose tooth out.  The tooth can break off leaving the root behind, which can cause infection.

It's OK to wiggle a loose tooth.  If it's hanging on by a thread, you can grab it with a tissue and gently rotate to remove it.

The adult teeth appears so big because they're full size and your child's head is not.

Baby teeth are white than adult teeth.  The color difference will be less noticeable as more adult teeth arrive

About the time your child's baby teeth are falling out their 6 yr molars are erupting.  gums may appears swollen and kids may complain.

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