Monday, February 21, 2011

Renewed Dental Benefits & Prescription Drugs and Teens

Most dental plans have renewed funding at the start of the year, allowing you to complete that much needed or wanted dental work. Call us to see how we can help @ 815-459-8650.

Painkillers like OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin are now the most commonly abused pills among young teens. These opioids are sometimes prescribed by dentists and oral surgeons after molar extractions. If your child is prescribed these pills, for any reason, you should be watching what they take and counting the pills often.

High School Seniors admitted to abusing these five commonly prescribed drugs that can be found in a medicine cabinet at someone's home: Vicodin (9.7%), OxyContin (4.9%), Xanax (3.6%), Valium (1.9%) and Klonopin (1.5%).

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