Monday, February 21, 2011

Renewed Dental Benefits & Prescription Drugs and Teens

Most dental plans have renewed funding at the start of the year, allowing you to complete that much needed or wanted dental work. Call us to see how we can help @ 815-459-8650.

Painkillers like OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin are now the most commonly abused pills among young teens. These opioids are sometimes prescribed by dentists and oral surgeons after molar extractions. If your child is prescribed these pills, for any reason, you should be watching what they take and counting the pills often.

High School Seniors admitted to abusing these five commonly prescribed drugs that can be found in a medicine cabinet at someone's home: Vicodin (9.7%), OxyContin (4.9%), Xanax (3.6%), Valium (1.9%) and Klonopin (1.5%).

Monday, February 14, 2011


Everyone at our office wishes you and your loved ones a wonderful Valentine's Day!

I'm always asked about Whitening toothpastes and if they work.  Whitening toothpastes don't stay on the teeth long enough to work.  A product should sit for at least 20 minutes to provide a noticeable result.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Talk with your children about good oral health to prevent cavities, gum disease and the spread of infections.  Promote healthy snacks and beverages and visiting the dentist for a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year.  Remind them to brush at least two times a day and floss daily.

Did you know that even diet drinks promote cavities because they are highly acidic?  Milk and water remain the best choices for beverages.

If your child has mouth pain, examine the mouth with a flash light.  If a tooth appears to have a large cavity or swelling in the gums, next to the tooth, it is best to have child take pain medications, rinse mouth out several times with warm salt water and see a dentist immediately.  They may need to get antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection.  Please don't apply any heat, as it may spread the infection.  Also do not apply aspirin directly over the tooth or gums, as this can cause the tissues to burn.

There is emerging evidence that inhalers used by asthmatic children may lead to a dry mouth which promotes dental decay.  An asthmatic child should keep sipping on water throughout the day and avoid surgery and/or acidic beverages.  

Encourage children to wear mouth guards for all contact sports.  They only have one set of permanent teeth!  

If a child looses a permanent tooth due to injury:

  1. Rinse tooth gently under water if it has become soiled - do not scrub or touch the root surface
  2. Place tooth back in tooth socket in mouth, if possible (depends on age of child - do not want them to swallow it).  Otherwise, place tooth in a cup/jar of mils or salt water.
  3. Get to a dental office immediately.  
A dental sealant is an effective cavity preventive for kids, but some types of sealant may release bisphenol A (BPA), which is a known carcinogen, for a short time after it's applied.  If you child gets treatment, ask your dentist if their sealant material contains this substance and if it does, make sure your child rinses for 30 seconds afterward.