Monday, December 26, 2011

New Patient Gifts

New Year = New You -- Whiter Teeth on that resolution list? 

$50 Courtesty Towards a New Patient Exam & Cleaning or a FREE Crest Whitening Bleaching Kit (@ completion of a New Patient Exam & Cleaning) 

Also, a FREE Spinbrush for all New Children Patients
One important tip from the ADA regarding teeth cleaning is to floss first before brushing because there is more of a chance for the fluoride from the toothpaste to get between the teeth.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Basketball and baseball are the two biggest mouth-injuring sports and the most common injuries we see are broken, displaced or knocked out teeth, and broken jaws. 

Mouth guards and helmets with face protectors are the best way for kids to avoid dental injuries while playing sports. Your dentist can make custom mouth guards that will be small enough to make it easy to communicate with teammates

So what should you do if despite your best preventive efforts your child still hurts his or her teeth or jaw?

If a tooth is broken or cracked, see a dentist within 24 hours. If a tooth or teeth have been displaced or knocked out contact your dentist immediately to try to preserve the tooth because you have about a 30 minute window for the best chance of long-term survival.

Avoid touching the root because it can be damaged easily. If the tooth is dirty, hold it by the upper part and rinse it off with milk until most of the dirt is washed away. If you don't have milk, don't clean it. Wiping it off may cause more damage.

If your child is old enough not to swallow it, try to gently put the tooth back in its socket for the best chance of preservation. If you can't get it back in the socket, put it in a cup of milk and head for the dentist or emergency room.

We tell people to put the tooth in milk because the cells around the root are still alive after it is knocked out and milk can provide nutrients to the cells to help keep them alive. Do not put the tooth in water. It can cause the cells to burst and makes saving the tooth much less likely.

Jaw injuries may be much less obvious than a broken or knocked-out tooth but they are no less serious. If a child falls hard enough to cut their chin, or takes an especially hard hit, it could easily cause breaks in the jaw. In an injury such as this, a child should be seen by a doctor within 24 hours.

No matter the injury, caring properly for the mouth afterward is key to successful healing.

Following an injury a child's mouth will be sore and they will want to do everything they can to make it not hurt. But, continuing to brush their teeth and practice good oral hygiene is extremely important. It is the same as keeping any other wound clean, the cleaner the mouth is kept, the better it heals.

Friday, December 2, 2011


2 for 1 Teeth Bleaching with Custom Trays.  

Enter the new year with a Brighter Smile!  Offer Expires 12/31/11.


Our entire Dental Team would like to wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season!