Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Green Tea

Hot or iced, this brew is brimming with antioxidants that kill the bacteria that lead to gingivitis.  Bonus:  The beverage also wipes out the germs that cause bad breath.  

Don't forget that Saturday, August 6, 5 to 9 p.m. Downtown Crystal Lake will be having a Block Party (National Night Out).  It's an evening of music, fun, food and entertainment.  Planned activities include:  Karaoke, Baggo Tournament, Police/Fire Rescue vehicles and equipment on display, children's games and live music.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Toothbrush Tips

Toothbrush Tips
  • Keep it rinsed. Wash off your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water every time you use it.
  • Wash your hands before brushing your teeth.  
  • Don't store it near the toilet.  Every toilet flush sends a spray of bacteria into the air and you don't want the toilet spray anywhere near your open toothbrush.  
  • Keep it dry. Bacteria love a moist environment. Make sure your brush has a chance to dry thoroughly between brushings. Avoid using toothbrush covers, which can create a moist enclosed breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Keep it upright. Store your toothbrush upright in a holder, rather than lying it down.
  • Keep it to yourself. No matter how close you are to your sister, brother, spouse, or roommate, don't ever use their toothbrush. Don't even store your toothbrush side-by-side in the same cup with other people's brushes. Whenever toothbrushes touch, they can swap germs.
  • Replace your toothbrush at least every three months.  Or when bristles begins to show wear or after an illness such as a cold or flu

State Requires Exams for Children

Illinois requires dental exams for all children entering Kindergarten, second and sixth grades.  School starts in a month, so schedule your exams today.

Downtown Crystal Lake Sidewalk Sales are held 7/21, 7/22 & 7/23 (Th-Sat).  A bargain hunter's delight!  Downtown merchants offer items at discounted prices.